
To start the online application process, select what kind of agent you are:

(Should take 5-10 minutes to complete)
Estimated time to complete

OSI Online Application //

Managing Agent Information

Before we start, we need to check if your managing agent works with us.

OSI Online Application //

Tell Us About Yourself

Great! Let's start off with some general information about you so we can get to know each other better.

OSI Online Application //

Hi ! Where Do You Live?

Hi ! Provide your home and mailing addresses below so we can reach you as needed.

OSI Online Application //

Counties your write bond in

Add ALL Counties that you currently write bond in so we can generate the necessary contracts for your account.

State you operate in

OSI Online Application //

Transfer Requests & Counties

Add ALL counties that you would want to handle Transfer Requests for (if applicable)...

Add each county you’d be willing to post in

Please enter each county you’d be able to be the posting agent for and your base fee to handle on behalf of the requesting agent. This can be adjusted in your account at any time.

OSI Online Application //

Your Bail Bond License Info

If you have an active bail license, we need some quick details below to continue.

OSI Online Application //

You’ve Issued bonds for…

Tell us about your previous bail bond history, please add ALL companies/agents below (if applicable)...

Please add all insurance companies and agents/general agents that you’ve issued bail bonds for and/or been appointed with below:

Add more companies/agents

OSI Online Application //

Your Other Business relationships

If you’re currently in another profession or involved in another business, we’ll need some info below.

OSI Online Application //

Personal finance info - Cash Balances

We need to know a bit more about your personal finances, please review the questions below.

Add more cash balances

OSI Online Application //

Personal finance info - Debts

If you have any personal debts, please add all instances that you're aware of.

Add more liabilities

OSI Online Application //

Personal finance info - Properties

If you owe any money on real estate or other types of properties, please list each below.

Add more properties

OSI Online Application //

Bankruptcy information

If you've ever declared bankruptcy, please provide the reason below so we can understand better.

OSI Online Application //

Criminal & Regulatory History - Disciplinary Actions

Let's take a second to run through any criminal or regulatory history - this will be quick if none apply to you!

Has any Regulatory Agency ever taken any disciplinary action against you, your business or any business in which you have been directly connected? Disciplinary and Regulatory Actions include but are not limited to: license suspension, revocation and/or monetary fines.

OSI Online Application //

Criminal & Regulatory History - Cancellations

Let's take a second to run through any criminal or regulatory history - this will be quick if none apply to you!

Have you ever had your bail contract cancelled by a surety or general agent?

OSI Online Application //

Criminal & Regulatory History - Charges

Let's take a second to run through any criminal or regulatory history - this will be quick if none apply to you!

Have you ever been arrested, charged, convicted of or pled nolo conterdere (no contest) to a felony, gross misdemeanor or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or currently have pending any misdemeanor or felony charges against you? (Misdemeanor does not mean minor traffic violations.)

OSI Online Application //

Wrapping up personal info

Alright , almost there! Please answer a few more questions about yourself to continue.

OSI Online Application //

Agency Info

Now we need to know more about your bail bond agency - this won't take long.

Add more DBA names

OSI Online Application //

Agency’s Address

Let us know the address of your agency so we can get in contact as needed.

OSI Online Application //

Agency License & Buf Information

Few more questions about your agency and you'll be all set!

Add more BUF accounts

OSI Online Application //

Do you have any partners?

If you have a partner and would like them to apply too, please provide their contact details below!

After you sign your application, we will send each of your partners an email and text message with a link to complete their application. When everyone has signed, we’ll review your applications and provide next steps!

File Upload

Just need some files from you

Upload the requested items below then you'll be ready to e-sign and complete the process.

Don’t close this window!
Hang tight for about 30 seconds
We’re preparing your OSI application for e-signing,
You will see your documents shortly.
E-Signing Process
Need to make a correction? Back to form
Thanks for your application!

You’re all set, !

We’re currently reviewing your application and will be in touch within a few days. If approved, we’ll follow up to have you sign some additional contracts to make everything official and you’ll be all set!

Simple, right? If you enjoyed your experience, please leave us a review!

OSI Online Application //

Liable Agency Information

Before we start, we need to check if your liable agency works with us.

OSI Online Application //

Tell Us About Yourself

Let's start off with some general information about you so we can get to know each other better.

OSI Online Application //

Hi ! Where Do You Live?

Hi ! Provide your home and mailing addresses below so we can reach you as needed.

OSI Online Application //

Your education details

We need to know a little bit about your educational background, starting with high school and beyond (if applicable)...

Add more education

OSI Online Application //

Counties your write bond in

Add ALL Counties that you currently write bond in so we can generate the necessary contracts for your account.

State you operate in

OSI Online Application //

Your Bail Bond License Info

If you have an active bail license, we need some quick details below to continue.

OSI Online Application //

You’ve Issued bonds for…

Tell us about your previous bail bond history, please add ALL companies/agents below (if applicable)...

Please add all insurance companies and agents/general agents that you’ve issued bail bonds for and/or been appointed with below:

Add more companies/agents

OSI Online Application //

Your Other Business relationships

If you’re currently in another profession or involved in another business, we’ll need some info below.

OSI Online Application //

Bankruptcy information

If you've ever declared bankruptcy, please provide the reason below so we can understand better.

OSI Online Application //

Criminal & Regulatory History - Disciplinary Actions

Let's take a second to run through any criminal or regulatory history - this will be quick if none apply to you!

Has any Regulatory Agency ever taken any disciplinary action against you, your business or any business in which you have been directly connected? Disciplinary and Regulatory Actions include but are not limited to: license suspension, revocation and/or monetary fines.

OSI Online Application //

Criminal & Regulatory History - Cancellations

Let's take a second to run through any criminal or regulatory history - this will be quick if none apply to you!

Have you ever had your bail contract cancelled by a surety or general agent?

OSI Online Application //

Criminal & Regulatory History - Charges

Let's take a second to run through any criminal or regulatory history - this will be quick if none apply to you!

Have you ever been arrested, charged, convicted of or pled nolo conterdere (no contest) to a felony, gross misdemeanor or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or currently have pending any misdemeanor or felony charges against you? (Misdemeanor does not mean minor traffic violations.)

OSI Online Application //

Few more things before we move on..

Let us know the address of your agency so we can get in contact as needed.

File Upload

Just need a few files from you

Upload the requested items below then you'll be ready to e-sign and complete the process.

Don’t close this window!
Hang tight for about 30 seconds
We’re preparing your OSI application for e-signing,
You will see your documents shortly.
E-Signing Process
Need to make a correction? Back to form